Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ms. T's Classroom Policies

Roald Dahl is my favorite. 

Hello Families,

We have had such a GREAT week! Here are some of my class expectations and policies. The kids are learning and doing so well. They are the best! Thank you for helping to make this the best week ever.

Ms. Tidwell
Classroom Policies

Welcome to the 4th grade! I am so happy to be your teacher this year. The next few weeks will be filled with a lot of practicing. We will be practicing our routines, ALA culture, and what type of behavior is expected for a 4th grader.  I will also be mixing in a little fun and get to know you activities. We will be making new friends and creating a safe environment for all to learn.

Curriculum at a Glance:
Saxon Math 
Jr. Great Books
Science- magnets, electricity, landforms and more
History- The great state of Arizona, various world history topics
Hake Grammar
Spalding Spelling
Six Traits Writing

Ms. Tidwell’s Classroom Management

Individual Positive Recognition

I want children to make good choices because they have learned that it FEELS GOOD to make good choices. I have a reward and discipline plan that is easy and fun. I will be using the Class Dojo app. The students earn points for good behavior they also lose points for negative behavior. It is a super fun app. The kids have already picked their very own monster avatar.  When a student earns 100 points they get to pick a prize out of the treasure box. If they are in the "negative" they do not get to participate in Friday Fun time.  They will be doing extra chores and work for me instead. 

I believe that chores are a privilege. They have filled out a job application and been assigned jobs according to their strengths. They will be paid in class money for doing their jobs well. This money will be used for "class store" which takes place before Winter Break. They get to use their money to spend then. They also have to use the money to leave the class to use the restroom or get a drink. I may also fine a student for negative behavior especially on the playground at recess times. 

Whole Class Positive Recognition
The class will have the opportunity to earn points during the week to earn  Extra Recess, or Special Activities.

If a student makes a poor choice and breaks a rule, these steps will be taken:
  1. One verbal warning
  2. If the child continues with poor behavior he/she will lose a class dojo point
  3. If the negative behavior continues and the student loses multiple points (3 or more)  in the day they will miss a recess. 
  4. If the problem behavior continues an after school detention may be assigned.  I will contact the parent. Together with the student we will have a meeting and come up with a plan that will help the student be successful in class.
Let’s make GOOD choices!!! Good choices are my favorite!

Each child will be given a daily planner. They are expected to write their daily schedule, assignments, and homework in the planner each day. This is one of the easiest ways for me to communicate with you and vice versa. 

I update the blog with the weeks spelling list by Monday. There is usually Math and Spelling homework daily.If there is no homework that day it is written in the planner. 

I do not accept late work. If your child does not finish a class assignment they have that evening to finish it and turn it in the next morning. Otherwise they receive zero credit. Ample time is given during the day to finish classroom work at school. If they are not finished with an assignment, I will pull them to work with me at recess to try and get it finished before the end of the day. 

Homework, classroom news, and the calendar will be posted on our classroom blog every Friday for the upcoming week.  

We do not have a morning recess. I do allow a break each morning for 5-10 minutes after specials to have a snack and use the restroom. Your child may bring a HEALTHY snack to eat at that time. It is a perfect time to refuel. Please do not send in packs of dry Ramen Noodles for snack. This is not healthy and it makes a HUGE mess. 

It is scorching hot out there, so please send your child with a water bottle each day. It is so important for our learning to be hydrated. I have a special place for water bottles to go each day. They may not get a drink during instruction but may get a drink during independent work time. 

 If your child does not purchase school lunch, please make sure they have a packed lunch.

Birthday Celebrations
I love Birthdays and welcome treats to celebrate the child’s special day. Please check with me for the number of students in our class before hand. ( 21 as of now) Some favorite Birthday treats are: Rice Krispy Treats, Popsicles, Cookies, Doughnuts or Brownies. Homemade treats are not allowed. They must be store bought. We will eat the treat at the last recess each day which is at 1:45. 

Student of the Week
I will choose a student of the week each week. Your student will receive a poster to complete the Friday before it is their week. They may bring in an item for show and tell. I also encourage them to bring a favorite picture book to read-a-loud to the class. (Please keep in mind to make it an appropriate read a loud book...that it isn't to long.)  They may bring a treat for the class. (That is up to you!) I also invite you to come eat lunch with your child that week. 

It is going to be the best year ever!

Ms. Tidwell

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